今回、Nintendo onlineで新たに加わったゲームがファミコンの「 MOTHER」、スーパーファミコンの「 MOTHER2」。
私にとって小学生の頃に遊びまくった思い出のゲームが MOTHER2なのです。
実は、ファミコンの MOTHERについては小学生時代だったこともあり友人から借りられる期間が短くてクリアしないままだったのが心残りでした。
We can now play MOTHER 1 and 2 on Nintendo Online
Today, the YouTube video of Nintendo’s official channel “Nintendo Direct” has been released.
One of the nice news is the newly announced information!
Newly added games on Nintendo online are NES’s “MOTHER” and Super Nintendo’s “MOTHER2”.
For me, his MOTHER2 is a memorable game that I played around when I was in elementary school.
This series is a well-known masterpiece RPG, but it is a high quality work that adults can fully enjoy playing.
The lines of the characters by the author, Shigesato Itoi, are so impressive that they pierce your heart, so as you progress through the story, you will be drawn into that world view.
To tell the truth, it was a regret that his MOTHER of NES was not cleared because the period of borrowing from a friend was short because he was in elementary school.
That’s why I’m thinking of taking a closer look from tonight.